Ai Nante Irane Yo Natsu

Ai Nante Irane Yo Natsu

Other name: 愛なんていらねえよ、夏 I Don't Need Love I Cannot Say I Love You Forget Love Love is Still Necessary


Hirosue Ryoko plays a pouty, blind girl with a chip on her shoulder (chips and grudges are in this quarter), whose very wealthy father has just died and left her his estate. Her mother left him years ago, taking her older brother, but leaving her behind. The sweet, but none-too-sharp brother, Reiji, writes her for years but the housekeeper throws the letters away. Now it turns out that this sweet Reiji (let's call him Reiji I), has gone to work as a cook for another guy named Reiji (Reiji II played by Watabe Atsuro), the cold-hearted head of a very successful Kabukicho host club. The girls all love him, but all he loves is his bankbook. Reiji II's life goes well until one day a rich executive's wife, who has been providing him with millions, turns out to be a poor bank clerk who has embezzled all the cash from her employer. Reiji II did not know this, but the police do not believe him and he heads off to serve six months as an accessory to the crime. The distraught, sweet Reiji I steps into the street to protest as Reiji II is driven off to jail, gets hit by a motorcycle and dies.

Director: Imai Natsuki [今井夏木], Tsutsumi Yukihiko [堤幸彦] and Hirakawa Yuichiro [平川雄一朗]

Country: Japanese

Status: Completed

Released: 2002

Type: Series

Genre: Drama, Life, Romance,
